For Closer Follow-Up & Early Treatment
TERC FISH test is able to detect genetic changes that lead the development of anal cancer, even before morphological cellular changes are seen. A positive TERC FISH allows the physician to have a closer follow-up for patients who would normally not be followed up.
This FISH test uses advanced fluorescence microscopy and computer aided visual analysis to detect fluorescently labeled DNA probes bound to the TERC gene locus at chromosome location 3q26. The detection of acquired genetic changes such as amplification of the TERC gene, that leads to anal and oral squamous cell carcinoma in HPV positive patients, allows for closer follow-up and early treatment.
Anal pap (Thin-Prep)
The Expected turn-around-time (TAT) for this test is 48-72 hours
A detailed report with images is faxed to your office
The test is covered by all major insurances
Omni offers reasonable cash price for the test for uninsured patients. Call 626-744-5339 for information
Analysis of genetic copy number changes in cervical disease progression
(click to read)Genomic amplification patterns of human telomerase RNA gene and C-MYC in liquid-based cytological specimens used for the detection of high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
(click to read)For additional information or to request supplies, please contact info@omnipathology.com